Friday, February 19, 2016

family marries family

It’s more common than you think!
I have discovered so many ancestors…and think…hmmm…that names looks familiar. And then when I go back to check, I find that sometimes an ancestor’s spouse has married their brother or sister in laws sibling, or their in-laws cousin, etc.

Just to share 1 example…..My 2nd great grandmothers name is Laura Rayome. She married Gilbert Chartier. So on the later things that I discover, she shows up as “Laura Chartier”. Then I kept coming across a “Laura Chartier” who was married to Frank Glugla. So she was ” Laura Chartier” in the early records. And just to make it more confusing…..Valeria Glugla (Frank’s sister) was my great grandmother…so the Glugla name shows up a lot in my tree. And to top it off…….both Laura Chartier’s have a middle name that starts with M!!
But I finally figured out who was who after comparing everything I found. But boy what a mix up that could have been! I could probably give more than 10 examples of this happening!
Just shows you really have to pay attention to the details to figure out who is who!

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